Jumat, 22 Februari 2008

khas untuk kanak-kanak dan wanita

Wanita hamil, kanak-kanak perlu dihadkan makan ikan???

Sebagai suami....kepada isteri tersayang dan bapa kepada anak ,anda mungkin kadang-kadang tertanya-tanya apakah nasihat yang terabaik untuk orang yang anda sayang,maksud saya dari segi pemakanan.Mungkin anda akan mengesyorkan, makan lebih banyak ikan kerana asid lemak Omega 3 atau hadkan pengambilan ikan kerana risiko toksin seperti raksa (mercury).Untuk pengetahuan anda makan ikan adalah lebih baik daripada daging dan ayam kerana ia mengandungi kalori, lemak dan kolesterol rendah. Ikan juga sumber protin dan beberapa jenis vitamin dan mineral.

Ada sesetengah ikan terutama salmon, tuna dan herring juga tinggi dalam lemak asid Omega 3. Untuk makluman, Omega 3 dikatakan mampu menurunkan risiko sakit jantung. Ia juga melindungi masalah denyutan nadi yang luar biasa dan membantu menurunkan tekanan darah.

Bagaimanapun, pengambilan ikan dalam diet juga berisiko. Ini disebabkan sesetengah ikan mengandungi bahan pencemar seperti raksa, dioksida dan kimia. Biasanya ikan terdedah kepada toksin di tasik, sungai dan laut yang tercemar.

Begitu juga bakteria, virus, parasit dan organisma yang juga boleh memberi kesan kepada ikan. Oleh itu, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yang mengawal industri berkaitan makanan laut mengenakan undang-undang dan peraturan dalam usaha mengurangkan risiko terhadap makanan berkenaan.

Bukan saja ikan dari laut lepas, sungai atau tasik, ikan yang diternak juga mempunyai risiko sama. Ikan yang diternak memiliki jumlah Omega 3 sama banyak dengan ikan liar. Bagaimanapun, ikan ternak memiliki lebih banyak lemak dan kalori. Ia juga mungkin terdedah kepada pencemaran yang tinggi disebabkan toksin yang ada dalam makanan yang diberikan kepada ternakan berkenaan.

Apakah Jenis Bahan Pencemar Yang Perlu Anda Hindarkan?

Bahan pencemar utama yang ditemui dalam ikan ialah raksa@sejenis bahan dalam unsur merkuri. Ia muncul secara semula jadi dalam alam sekitar tetapi pencemaran industri boleh menghasilkan raksa yang wujud di tasik, sungai dan lautan. Mikroorganisama dalam air menjadikan raksa dalam bentuk sangat bertoksin dipanggil “methyl mercury’.

Ikan yang besar dan pemangsa seperti ikan pedang (swordfish) dan tuna gergasi cenderung memiliki tahap methyl mercury yang tinggi berbanding ikan yang kecil kerana jumlahnya lebih banyak dalam rantaian makanan.

Ikan kecil memakan organisma kecil yang mungkin mengandungi methyl mercury. Bahan itu tersimpan dalam badannya. Oleh itu, ikan besar yang memakan ikan kecil tentunya secara tidak langsung memakan lebih banyak toksin. Lebih lama ia hidup, lebih besar saiznya, lebih banyak raksa yang disimpan.

Jika anda memakan ikan yang mengandungi methyl mercury, toksin akan terkumpul dalam badan dan ia mungkin mengambil masa seminggu, sebulan atau bertahun-tahun untuk membuang toksin ini.

Methyl mercury membahayakan pertumbuhan otak dan sistem saraf janin dan kanak-kanak kecil kerana itu wanita hamil, menyusukan bayi dan kanak-kanak berusia kurang lima tahun harus mengehadkan jumlah ikan yang dimakan.

Bagaimanapun, FDA dan Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) melaporkan jumlah ikan yang diambil oleh seseorang itu bukanlah menjadi isu kesihatan yang besar.

Berapa banyak jumlah ikan yang selamat dimakan?

Kesihatan kebanyakan orang tidak terjejas dengan jumlah ikan yang dimakan. Oleh itu, Persatuan Jantung Amerika mencadangkan pengambilan sekurang-kurangnya tiga aun ikan setiap minggu.

Bagaimanapun, dalam masa yang sama, wanita hamil dan kanak-kanak perlu mengehadkan jumlah ikan yang dimakan bagi mengelak kesan berbahaya daripada mekuri dan lain-lain toksin. Bagi wanita hamil, wanita ingin hamil, ibu menyusukan bayi dan kanak-kanak, FDA dan EPA menyarankan mengelak memakan ikan tuna gergasi, ikan pedang dan kumpulan ikan yu kerana ia mengandungi level toksin yang tinggi.

Jangan makan ikan mentah. Jika anda menyimpan ikan pastikan membalutnya dengan beg plastik atau kertas penahan lembapan. Jika menyimpan dalam peti sejuk, pastikan tidak lebih daripada enam bulan ~Sumber daripada Mayoclinic.com

Jumat, 08 Februari 2008




Kerap guna telefon bimbit jejas sperma

NEW YORK: Lelaki yang menghabiskan masa berjam-jam menggunakan telefon bimbit setiap hari mungkin menjejaskan mutu spermanya, menurut hasil kajian awal tiga penyelidikan. Dalam kajian ke atas 361 lelaki yang ditemui di klinik masalah kesuburan, penyelidik di Klinik Cleveland menemui kaitan antara penggunaan telefon bimbit pesakit dan kualiti sperma mereka. Secara umum, lelaki yang lebih banyak menghabiskan masa menggunakan telefon bimbit setiap hari, lebih rendah jumlah sperma mereka dan lebih besar peratusan sperma tidak normal.

Penemuan itu, yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal Kesuburan dan Kemandulan, menambah persoalan mengenai kesan potensi kesihatan terhadap telefon bimbit dan peralatan tanpa wayar lain. Sesetengah kajian, misalnya, mengaitkan penggunaan jangka masa panjang telefon bimbit dengan risiko lebih tinggi ketumbuhan otak, walaupun banyak kajian lain tidak menemui kaitan seperti itu. Kebimbangan lain ialah, tenaga elektromagnetik yang dikeluarkan dari telefon bimbit mungkin secara teorinya membahayakan tisu badan - dengan memusnahkan DNA. Namun, penemuan baru tidak membuktikan telefon bimbit boleh memusnahkan sperma, menurut penyelidikan itu.

Macam-macam ada....

Macam-macam: Baju tidur antigatal

LONDON: Sekumpulan pencipta mendakwa berjaya menghasilkan baju tidur khas yang dapat mengawal suhu badan, mengelak rasa gatal dan memastikan si pemakai menikmati tidur malam yang nyenyak.

Akhbar The Telegraph melaporkan, pakaian tidur itu dihasilkan dengan sejenis kain dikenali sebagai Dermasilk dan boleh membantu penghidap masalah kulit gatal seperti ekzema dan dermatitis.

Pakaian tidur unik itu dicipta khas bagi rangkaian hotel Travelodge yang sebelum ini mengadakan tinjauan pendapat bagi mengenal pasti punca orang ramai sukar tidur.

Kajian ke atas 3,000 dewasa mendapati, 23 peratus mengakui memakai pakaian tidur yang menyebabkan rasa gatal dan menjejaskan tidur.




The Facts and only the Facts

Take a Gamble; Smoke

Self Confidence

Test Yourself


About Cigarettes

The Effects Of Nicotine

In The Beginning

Seven Day Stretch

How To Handle The Craving For Nicotine

Handle The Reasons For Not Smoking

Quit Now Not Tomorrow

When You Quit Smoking

What Else Can I Do

What to Do About Withdrawals

Stop Smoking Self Help Guide

We present this book to you to help you quit smoking forever. The first week is the
roughest. If you can make it just one week, you will be on your way to be tobacco free
for life. Being healthy is the main reason to stop smoking. You will DIE if you continue
to smoke.

If you are thinking of quitting, do you know how to quit and control the need to smoke
that cigarette? Why do you smoke? If you are still smoking, ask yourself “Am I ready to
quit smoking”? Can I quit? You must be ready to quit smoking in order to quit and

There are three factors which will determine your success:
1. You must be ready to quit smoking.
2. You must have faith in yourself to realize you are able to quit.
3. You must remember, your health should be the most important aspect of your
life. Smoking inhibits life.

Many people try to quit smoking, but cannot quit for several reasons. You might have
been smoking for a long time and it’s a “habit” to pick that cigarette up. Many people
think about quitting, talk about quitting, and even try to quit several times. You might
be one of those who have tried several times to quit, but it doesn’t last long and you
start smoking again. Nicotine reliability will be the hardest part to adjust in the quest to
stop smoking. In order to quit, you must be ready and willing to quit.

Statistics show you will be twelve times more likely to die from lung cancer.
Statistics show you will be ten times more likely to die from some form of lung disease.
Statistics show you will be ten times more likely to die from cancer of the larynx.
Statistics show you will be six times more likely to die of heart disease.
Statistics show you will be twice as likely to die of a stroke.

The above statistics are overwhelming. Look at the odds against you and the medical
benefits to you if you quit smoking.

Did you know that your heath insurance premiums will go down when you stop
smoking. Insurance companies do not like to give away money, so if you are not a
smoker, you are a heather person. You are rewarded with lower premiums. This saves
you money and you are healthy.

Another factor is the cost involved in smoking. An average pack of cigarettes is $2.00 a
pack. You smoke one pack a day at $14.00 a week, $56.00 a month, and $728.00 a
year. Let’s say you have been smoking for 20 years - that’s $14,560 in 20 years - up in
smoke! If you smoke two packs a day just double all these figures. That is almost
$30,000. A good down payment on the house of your dreams.

Smoking when you are pregnant is a big NO - NO. When you smoke with an unborn
child inside you, you are giving that unborn the smoking habit. The child does not have
a chance to decide, for itself, whether to smoke or not. Imagine, being born addicted to

Let’s work on the self confidence aspect. You want to be successful, but how do you
accomplish this? Answer the following question - “What can you do to reduce the
desire to smoke every time it hits you, and what will you do until the urge passes”?

This book will help you in your battle with tobacco. You will be able to resist the urge to
smoke when the urge comes and you will be to resist until the urge passes.

You also need to decide why you smoke - for the physical, mental or emotional need?
Each reason has a different solution. This is why you must decide. You can then take
the correct path to be a healthier person.

Let’s take a brief test to help you determine why you smoke. When you take this test, it
is very important to be “Truthful” and “Honest”. The only way you will be able to quit is
to be honest and sincere with yourself. The “want” has to be there.

Test Yourself

Circle the appropriate number on the right. The meanings are on the left:

1 - Not at all

2 - Now and then

3 - Repeatedly

4 - Habitually

1. (a) I smoke when I need a pickup. 1 2 3 4

(b) I smoke to keep from slowing down. 1 2 3 4

2. (a) I smoke for the pleasure of it. 1 2 3 4

(b) I like to light up when I am comfortable and relaxed. 1 2 3 4

3. (a) I smoke when I’m angry. 1 2 3 4

(b) I smoke when I’m anxious. 1 2 3 4

(c) I smoke when I’m tense. 1 2 3 4

(d) I smoke when I’m depressed. 1 2 3 4

4. (a) I get anxious when I think I might run out of cigarettes. 1 2 3 4

(b) I get anxious if I must go someplace where I will not
be able to smoke when I really want to. 1 2 3 4

5. (a) I smoke a cigarette within 30 minutes of getting
up in the morning. 1 2 3 4

(b) I smoke when I’m not feeling well. 1 2 3 4

(c) I smoke a pack or more a day. 1 2 3 4

6. (a) Sometimes I smoke just to keep my hands busy. 1 2 3 4

(b) I smoke when I get bored. 1 2 3 4

Scoring high in question #1 signifies you smoke for stimulation or to give you energy
during the day. You may smoke to keep you going or to get through a task you are
working on.

Scoring high in question #2 signifies you smoke to relax, such as work breaks, after
completing a significant job, with that morning cup of coffee or alcoholic beverage.

Scoring high in question #3 signifies you smoke to deal with mixed feelings you have in
your life - anger, anxiety and maybe depression.

Question #4 deals psychological issues such as running out of cigarettes or not being
allowed to smoke, such as a non smoking facility.

Question #5 signifies you are chemically dependent on cigarettes.

Question #6 indicates you smoke when you are bored, or must have something to do
with your hands.

Each person smokes for a different reason, but by answering the previous questions,
we can better determine why you smoke, and how to help you quit smoking. Neither
heroin or cocaine are as addictive as nicotine.

Why is smoking so habit forming? Nicotine! Why do you have such a hard time
quitting, and feel so bad, even if you smoke only a few cigarettes each day.

When you smoke, the nicotine creates a biochemical response to your body that
immediately affects your mood, ability to reason, and your metabolism. The more you
smoke, the more you are becoming chemically dependent on the nicotine.

Within seconds of the smoke entering your body, it affects your central nervous system
and other parts of your body. When stimulated by nicotine, portions of the brain think
and function more clearly. Other parts of the brain, when stimulated, help you feel
relaxed and less troubled.

Certain hormones produced in the body are affected by nicotine - causing the chemical
dependency to nicotine and the desire for a cigarette. Heavy smokers become
dependent on elevated levels of hormones, incited by nicotine, which causes the
addiction. They need a cigarette at certain times of the day. After the stimulation of the
hormones falters, another cigarette is needed. If the cigarette does not come, the
craving starts.

Exercise and physical movement are significant keys to quitting. As you exercise, you
begin to build confidence in yourself and begin to like what you see. Exercise gives you
energy and the ability to deal with anxiety. The smell of cigarettes becomes disgusting.
After you have quit smoking, and the craving begins, get up and move around. This will
stimulate your body in other ways. This exercise will give your body the lift it desires at
the time.

At this time, consider the following question:
How and when do you want to quit smoking?
There are actually two ways to quit smoking - instantly (cold turkey) or step-by-step.
When you quit step-by-step, miscellaneous methods are used to taper off before that
last cigarette. Some people are able to quit instantly, while others may have to taper off
slowly. For a heavy smoker, a nicotine patch might be the best route to proceed.

Answer the following questions in order to determine which route to take for yourself.
1. One of the most important things to me at this time is to quit smoking.
Yes No Not Sure
2. I don’t need a cigarette to help me through a tough problem.
Yes No Not Sure
3. I have to quit smoking and my reasons are good enough to do it now.
Yes No Not Sure
4. If I quit this minute, I know I can find a way to resist the craving to smoke, even if
it is strong.
Yes No Not Sure
If you answered yes to the above four questions, you should be able to quit immediately
and instantly. First, let’s give you some pointers on how to quit and not start again.
After reading the following, set a time to quit. If not immediately, set a date and do it.

What about the doubts you may be feeling now?
Most smokers will get a sense of doubt when they read the questions above. You
not have the confidence in yourself and your capability to resist the urge to smoke, the
craving that goes along with wanting that cigarette, or the ability to find a substitute for
that cigarette. In order to have the confidence to quit, you (1) must find another way to
handle the urge to smoke when the craving begins and (2) learn to deal with why you
starting smoking at all. We will answer these questions in order that when you are
ready to quit smoking, you will have the confidence in yourself to quit.

You will need defenses in place to help you quit. EACH OF THESE WORK. You may
use one, all, or a combination of several to achieve your goal. The urge to smoke is
immediate, and usually lasts for five minutes. If you can resist for that period of time,
you reduce the urge.
1. Take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, and exhale as if you had just
taken your first puff on a cigarette. A deep breath allows you to take in a
maximum amount of oxygen, and exhaling lets out large quantities of carbon
dioxide. This results in a feeling of relaxation.
2. Take a sip of water several times during this five minute period. Drinking the
water will give you something to do with your hands and also reduce the desire
to smoke. Drinking water will also help flush the nicotine out of your body.
3. Choose a substitute for the cigarette by putting something else in your mouth - a
toothpick, stirrer, etc.
4. Do something for the next five minutes which will keep you entirely busy and
focused on what you are doing. This will distract you from the craving.
5. Chew a piece of gum or hard candy.
6. Get up and move around for five minutes. It will help the urge to smoke to pass.
7. Use a nicotine patch as replacement therapy.


Become more energetic without cigarettes.

Relax and enjoy the life without cigarettes.

Deal with your anxieties without a cigarette.

Deal with psychological dependence.

Deal with chemical dependency on nicotine.

Keep your hands busy fighting boredom.

First, you need to set a date when you are going to quit. Let’s give it one week from
today. In one week, you will have had numerous occasions to practice with your
defenses. Eight days from today will be the end of your smoking habit.

Days 1 and 2

Scrutinize your smoking behavior on days 1 and 2. Each time you light up a cigarette,
ask yourself the following questions:
1. Why am I smoking this cigarette?
2. Would this be an easy one or a difficult one to do without?
3. If I did not smoke this cigarette, what would I do instead?

Day 3

Let’s get out and test your defenses today.
At least once today, use your defenses to shoot down the urge to smoke.
During the five minutes that it will take for the urge to pass, try out some of your
defenses. Try one, or all, or find a combination that works for you.

Day 4

Today is an important day. Don’t smoke one or two of the cigarettes you feel will be
most difficult to give up.

Remember, this is only practice, and don’t become distressed if you can’t give one of
those difficult cigarettes up. Review your defenses to see which ones will help you get
through this particular stage.

If you were unable to skip that difficult cigarette and failed, go back and review the
reasons you were not able to skip that cigarette. Below are some of the most common
reasons failure occurs:

Chemical properties of addiction
You feel lousy because you can’t smoke that cigarette at that particular time. As stated
before, nicotine patches will relieve some of these feelings.

Social pressures
It may be difficult, at first, to continue some of your activities, such as the weekly card
party or coffee break. Let others know you are trying to quit and ask for their
encouragement. Surround yourself with non smokers. For a while, you might even
have to avoid the parties, etc. to not be around smokers. Surround yourself with
positive things, not the thing such as smoking that you are trying to stop.

Tension and negative emotion
An emergency comes up and your first instinct is to have a cigarette. Choose another
option, such as the breathing techniques. Disengage yourself from the situation that is
causing you stress. Exercise.

Days 5, 6 and 7

You are on the home stretch now. For the next three days, your objective is to cut the
amount of cigarettes you normally smoke in half. If you smoke a pack a day, cut down
to 10 cigarettes a day, or even better, less than the 10. Your goal is to achieve positive
results on day 7. Keep track of your cigarettes on the log , and continue to decrease
your dependency on nicotine.

Still have doubts? The chemical dependency of nicotine on your body is a strong one.
You might have been smoking for a number of years and this is something very strong.
You may want to discuss the use of a patch or gum with your doctor. These methods
will help you slowly eliminate the need for nicotine. DO NOT SMOKE WHILE ON THE
PATCH. You could experience a dangerous overdose of nicotine.

Pregnant women should not smoke, use the patch or gum. Smokers with any heart
problems should talk with their physician.

You need to get rid of those reminders in your home and office which remind you about
smoking. Throw away or give away those leftover cigarettes and lighters, ashtrays,
matches, and anything else that could be associated with smoking. Why should you
force yourself to resist the urge to smoke when it is far simpler to just remove the
reminders. If you keep a pack of cigarettes in your home or office, there is a good
chance that you may pick one up.

Consult your doctor in order to find out what types of programs are available for the
person wishing to quit smoking. Several programs are available such as the nicotine
patch and nicotine gum. There are hotlines to call to help remain smokeless. Hypnosis
works for some people. Contact your local hospitals for programs also.

Dizziness may happen during the first couple of days. Take a quick break, it will pass.

Headaches may surface at any time during the first couple of weeks. Try to relax.
Take any routine remedy for headache, a cold cloth on the back of your neck, or ease
the stress by taking a short walk.

Tiredness may result during the first few weeks, but if you meditate or relax during the
first few weeks, it will pass.

Coughing may actually increase during the first few days because the residue from the
smoke has not been flushed from your system.

Tightness in the chest may occur in the first few days. Rest and take deep breaths and
this will go away.

Sleeping problems may occur in the first few days. Try to stay away from drinks that
have a high caffeine content. Try not to exercise too strenuously in the hours prior to
bedtime. A hot bath prior to bedtime may also be helpful.

Constipation may occur in the first month after you quit. If this occurs, eat foods with a
high fiber content, drink plenty of fluids, and do some light exercise.

Concentration may tend to wander during the first few weeks. Be ready for this, take a
break or do something physical for a short period of time.

The following form will help you in your efforts to quit smoking. The main objective is to
keep track of the number of cigarettes you smoke each day, the time of day, where you
were, why you smoked the cigarette, and who you smoked the cigarette with. When
you write something down, it tends to mean more to you. It is important that you write
your name in every instance.

The number of cigarettes is important because this will counteract your consumption.
Time of day will help you figure out when you smoke the most. If you find you are
smoking more at a certain location, try to stay away as much as possible. It helps not
to be around other smokers. Why, will help you decide your needs. Who, will help you
determine the people that smoke and tells you who to stay away from in your beginning
a new smoke free life.

Name ________________________________________________
# of Cigarette ________________________________________________
Time of Day ________________________________________________
Where you Were ________________________________________________
Why you Smoked It ________________________________________________
Who you Smoked it with ________________________________________________


Name ________________________________________________
# of Cigarette ________________________________________________
Time of Day ________________________________________________
Where you Were ________________________________________________
Why you Smoked It ________________________________________________
Who you Smoked it with ________________________________________________


Name ________________________________________________
# of Cigarette ________________________________________________
Time of Day ________________________________________________
Where you Were ________________________________________________
Why you Smoked It ________________________________________________
Who you Smoked it with ________________________________________________


Name ________________________________________________
# of Cigarette ________________________________________________
Time of Day ________________________________________________
Where you Were ________________________________________________
Why you Smoked It ________________________________________________
Who you Smoked it with ________________________________________________


Name ________________________________________________
# of Cigarette ________________________________________________
Time of Day ________________________________________________
Where you Were ________________________________________________
Why you Smoked It ________________________________________________
Who you Smoked it with ________________________________________________


This publication is designed to provide accurate
and authoritative information with regard to the
subject matter covered. It is sold with the
understanding that the publisher is not engaged
in rendering legal, accounting, or other
professional advice. If legal advice or other
professional assistance is required, the services
of a competent professional person should be

From the Declaration of Principals jointly
adopted by a committee of the American Bar
Association and a committee of Publishers and

Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

nikmatnya rehat.....

Manusia perlu berehat

MANUSIA boleh menghidap pelbagai jenis penyakit akibat tekanan hidup seperti kencing manis, darah tinggi, sakit jantung, kemalangan, sakit kepala dan gila.

  • Tahukah anda bahawa dengan hanya beristirehat manusia dapat menghindarkan diri dari pelbagai jenis penyakit. Istilah istirehat ini banyak digunakan oleh ahli perubatan kuno seperti dilakukan oleh masyarakat India melalui yoga dan Cina melalui tai chi.

Menurut pendapat seorang ahli perubatan Amerika Syarikat yang bernama Dr E Jacobson untuk mencapai kesihatan yang sempurna, kita harus banyak beristirehat.

Semua anggota badan memerlukan istirahat. Kita tidak harus membiarkan diri bekerja tanpa henti. Apapun pekerjaan kita, sama ada wartawan, polis, jurutera, doktor, buruh kasar, pengurus bank, ahli politik atau menteri, kita harus mempunyai masa secukupnya untuk istirehat.

Fikiran diibaratkan pita. Jika setiap percakapan, perbualan, perbalahan dan keserabutan dibiarkan untuk dirakam oleh fikiran tanpa ditapis, akhirnya pita itu akan habis dan tidak boleh dirakam lagi.

Antara penyakit yang boleh disembuhkan melalui istirehat ialah tekanan darah tinggi, kelesuan, keletihan, insomnia, kegelisahan, sedih tanpa alasan, selalu ketakutan, tekanan urat saraf, sakit kepala, jantung

berdebar, serangan jantung, senggugut, kelumpuhan, gagap, tekanan jiwa dan emosi.

Untuk mengatasi masalah itu, tidak perlu memakan pil yang terlampau banyak cukup dengan hanya mendapatkan rehat secukupnya.